The set will be loaded into the Brush Library. To import a set brushes, select to open the Brush Library. The most straightforward is to drag and drop the set into the canvas or double-click the brush set file. There are two ways to import a set of brushes. The brush will be loaded into the Brush Library. In Create Do-It-Yourself Brush, tap Import. To import a brush, in the Brush Palette, tap to open the Brush Library. The most straightforward is to drag and drop the brush into the canvas or double-click the brush file. Importing brushes in SketchBook Pro Desktop skbrushes brush format, so you won’t be able to import and use these brushes within SketchBook Pro. Someone sent me brushes not made in SketchBook Pro If you’re not, you’ll need to be running the same version the brushes were made in or higher. If you’re running the latest version of SketchBook Pro – you’re golden. The brushes I want to import were created in a different version of SketchBook Pro than what I have However, you will see two cases below where it might not be quite that straightforward. What if you’re working on a job and have to use custom brushes they’ve made? Or, a friend wants you to check out a cool new brush they’ve made? You can import them, using the Brush Library.